
When we know the Truth and accept it, the truth will set us free.  This is the truth:

  1. We were planned, not an accident, not by chance, but intentionally created by God out of His love. God controls all life.
  2. We have a purpose to fulfill on earth given to us by God.
  3. There is a future kingdom coming.  A new earth. We are on the testing grounds right now.
  4. Our actions will be judged by Jesus, son of God who will be given this authority to judge and rule the earth.
  5. Circumventing Jesus won’t turn out well.
  6. Our actions matter at judgement but won’t get us into eternity. Obedience to God’s commands is the basis for judgement.
  7. Repentance is significantly important – there are actions that will prevent us from being in God’s kingdom if we don’t change our ways.
  8. Jesus bridges the gap, made the way for us.
  9. We need the Holy Spirit indwelling to have immortal eternal life and be a part of God’s new Kingdom which is coming.  The Holy Spirit comes from God through Jesus.
  10. God loves us and wants us with Him in His future Kingdom.

Obedience Struggles

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

This is a follow up to my prior post yesterday, titled “Trust and Obey.” I think many of us struggle with obedience at different times in life, just think back to the days of being a toddler, a teenager and it continues into adulthood!


The “obedience” subject I’m referring to is a situation of CHOOSING to be obedient, NOT being FORCED to be obedient. Forced obedience is NOT God’s way; God gives us freewill; obedience is our choice. But even if we choose to be obedient, there will be times when our selfish desires or selfish gain are “at war” with the choice of “obedience”: we know what the right thing to do is, but we are tempted when there is something beneficial for us in not choosing what we know is right. This is where scriptural wisdom is clear: we “can’t serve two Masters” as Jesus stated. He was referring to God or Money being the “Masters,” but Jesus also said a house divided will not stand – this is applicable, because we (as a symbolic house) will make a choice at some point, it’s impossible to choose “both,” we can’t be divided. If we are divided, we “will not stand” or in other words “fall.” So what does “fall” mean? In scripture, to “fall” is negative and often indicates a separation from God. Ultimately “the fall” involves having a Master over our lifes; someone or something other than God.


There is something else to consider here, and this will not be well received to say it, but it is truth. Until we choose God, we are under the influence of the evil spiritual realm. Think about it, someone is our Master, people may say, “I’m my own Master”- well that’s a comforting thought to tell ourselves, but it’s not true unfortunately, Jesus states this to Saul/Paul. (Read Acts 26:15-18)

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’

Acts 26:18

Don’t be misled, as Deuteromy 29:19-20 indicates, people are not “safe” or “saved” when they persist in going their own way and not God’s way.

In choosing to become obedient to God, we will be under attack by our own internal desires and by evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realms.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


So why would I want to go through all this? If life was easier before I choose to become obedient to God, why would I want to bring on trouble or attacks of the spiritual realm?

Because God has greater plans for those who choose Him as our Master. Yes, we have to become humble, we are not our own Master, we have a Creator- God made us and we must choose Him as our Master, if we want what God offers us. As God often revealed in scripture, He is the Potter, we are the clay that was formed by His own hands. It’s insightful reading the references to “potter” in scripture, just search that key word in a digital bible.


Getting back to what God has planned for us, in His physical presence ON EARTH: immortality, peace, joy, abundance, healing, no more tears, pure love and gentleness, a physical place to live forever, more beautiful than we can envision, music, celebration, comfort, strength, and more. We will “soar on wings” like eagles, we “will run and not grow weary”, “walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31) Read Revelation 21 and Revelation 22 for a glimpse of what God has planned for those who choose Him. Who doesn’t want to live in this future Kingdom of God? Is it worth going through the “trouble or attacks”? When we are in those times it is challenging, but if we keep our mind focused on the end result, we can endure and persevere because the end result in God’s future Kingdom on earth WILL BE WORTH IT!


To be in God’s Kingdom, we turn to God (repent) ask for forgiveness of the things we do wrong then commit to become obedient to God going forward, knowing we won’t be perfect, so we ASK Jesus for the Holy Spirit to HELP us follow through with obedience and to give us wisdom. When God sees our heart is set on doing this, He gives us this help, when we ask. The point is many people don’t know to ask for this but it is available to ALL who’s heart is turned towards God. Jesus said, No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are “born again”: born of the water (repentance/ie. baptism) and of the Spirit (receiving God’s Spirit- becoming a new creation as a result of receiving God’s spirit). (John 3) After this, we stay connected to God for strength, protection and wisdom through reading scripture and prayers. Obedience does matter because God gives the Spirit to those who are intent on being obedient and having the Spirit indwelling is necessary to be changed into the perfected immortal person who God originally intended for us to be when Jesus returns. Having the Spirit indwelling (being prepared) is what is talked about in parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25.


Here is another “unpopular” truth: Revelation 3:5 says names can be blotted out from the book of Life by God, to be blotted out means the names were once written in the Book of Life! And God’s spirit can depart (1 Samuel 16:14) if we continually choose “sin” when given a choice to choose “obedience” or “sin” as Saul did when he kept choosing his own way/sin not God’s commands. (Search Spirit of the Lord in scripture) for more understanding of this. Why do you think it says “the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom?” Fear of the Lord is referenced 453 times in scripture! This isn’t to put us in constant fear, but it is there to tell us the importance of REMAINING focused on God, in a good relationship with God, (sin separates us from God) we can’t be casual about our ongoing relationship with God. Scripture tells us this is true. If we remain focused on God, we have NOTHING to fear! Remember that too!


Don’t let people give you false information about the concept of Grace we have been given for our salvation (read Jude Chapter 1):

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

Jude 1:4


Jesus also said: “No one can come to the Father, except through me.” Jesus is the only one who made it possible for us to have the opportunity to be in God’s Kingdom. There is no way we could be “good enough” or do enough “good things” through out life to get into God’s Kingdom (it is far more holy than that), even if we are obedient, if we don’t accept, acknowledge or understand what Jesus did on the cross to literally save us- it is meaningless. Jesus, who was sinless, was the only one who could be the acceptable sacrifice according to God’s Law that could be the substitute death for all mankind. Jesus essentially “purchased us” back from death by his action on the cross and resurrection thereafter. Think about this: a scroll was the form of a contract long ago. In Revelation 5, Jesus (the lamb) is the only one worthy to open the scroll (contract) and Jesus break the seals (Revelation 6) securing the contract- this is the “re-purchasing of us” from death. Yes there are some awful things that happen when the seals break but they are necessary according to God’s law as revealed in scripture. Those events have to happen and will happen in accordance with scripture, to refine some, to have some turn towards God, and to ultimately separate those who choose evil from those who choose God. When “the fall of mankind” happened in the Garden of Eden, when humanity (through Adam and Eve) chose to listen/and obey the serpent (Satan)- that’s where mankind came under the influence and power of evil. Jesus’ action broke this evil hold on mankind, but if we don’t understand this and accept what Jesus said, we remain in the dark. And if we deny Jesus, he will deny us before the Father and we will be subject to the Laws we have broken when it’s time for our judgement. Jesus’ action is a gift to those who accept the gift.


So considering all these things, this is why I want/choose to become obedient to God. Speaking the truth is not easy because it makes us uncomfortable knowing these things, but the way I look at it, I would rather know the truth in advance, so that I can prepare and take this seriously, than be caught by surprise at an untimely point (my physical death) when there is no turning back possible. Remember, God gave us this warning because He LOVES us and does not want us to perish!


The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

12 Questions to answer and find out if you will have eternal life.

Let’s just get to the point. Russia is currently setting up outside Ukraine. China has been threatening Taiwan. Iran is enhancing its nuclear capacity and openly expresses its unacceptance (to put it mildly) of Israel and the United States. The Middle East in general is continuously in some level of conflict.

If you haven’t done this yet, it’s time to make sure your ETERNAL future is in the place of your choosing, because you may not end up where you expect. You need to make a decision and take action now. So here are 12 questions to know where you may end up and find out what you need to do if you don’t get the answer you want:

  1. Do you believe that JESUS is the ONLY way that you can be in eternity with God? (You can’t be “good enough” based on your own actions.) Yes or No?
  2. Are you familiar with the 10 Commandments? Yes or No?
  3. Do you admit that you break God’s commands? Yes or No?
  4. Do you know the following is prohibited by God and those who continually do this (and don’t change these ways) will not enter God’s eternal kingdom? (sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, theft, lying, slander, “magic” such as seances, astrology, mediums, practice of witchcraft, spiritist, interpreting omens, casting spells, anger, getting drunk, sexual perversion, false teachers of religion, false prophets of religion, pride, a person who stirs up conflict in the community, a person who loves and practices any false teaching, hypocrites, taking advantage of other people, practicing homosexuality, slave traders, anyone who speaks against God’s Spirit (the Holy Spirit), being conceited, prioritizing money or wealth) Yes or No?
  5. Have you rebelled against/sinned against God by doing anything in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  6. Have you asked God for forgiveness and subsequently made an effort to avoid all things listed in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  7. Have you told God that you want and intend to be obedient to Him by not breaking anything in #3 and #4, even though it is hard to do and you will mess up occasionally, but not regularly? Yes or No?
  8. Do you ask God for forgiveness then change the behavior if, or when, you do anything listed in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  9. Have you publicly shown your commitment and surrendered to God and without hesitation state your belief in Jesus being the Son of God, the Messiah, who made it possible for you to be in eternity with God by being Baptized? Yes or No?
  10. Have you asked Jesus for God’s spirit (the Holy Spirit) to help you live according to God’s will? Yes or No?
  11. Do you know God personally? Do you have a personal relationship (ie. pray, read the bible, study the bible) with God? Yes or No?
  12. Is the Spirit of God residing in you? Yes or No?

If you honestly answered “Yes” to ALL the questions above, you can know that you will have eternal life with God. If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, then you have work to do if you want eternal life with God.

Here are some (but not all) links to scripture validating the questions above:

  1. John 14:6
  2. 10 Commandments: Exodus 20
  3. We all sin: 1 John 5:17, Romans 3:23, 1John 3:4, John 8:34
  4. Many Verses, Drinking
  5. Mark 21:7, Romans 3:12
  6. Acts 3:19
  7. Matthew 7:21
  8. 1 John 1:9
  9. Get Baptized, Matthew 10:32, Romans 8:2
  10. John 15: 26
  11. Matthew 7:14, Hebrews 8:12
  12. Romans 8:11, 1 John 5:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:8

What do I need to do to get to Heaven? Believe? Obey?

This is a follow up to “Heaven or Hell?” Most Christians will say all we need to do is believe in Jesus, so a bunch of people who don’t understand what “believe” means feel a false sense of relief, erroneously thinking: I can live however I want, because I believe, I have God’s grace and I will go to Heaven. (WRONG!)

But what did Jesus say? Jesus didn’t say all we have to do is believe! He said:

Believe what you want to believe, it’s your choice how your live your life, but for me, I don’t want to find out when it’s too late: I’m focusing on keeping The Commandments. So what are the commandments and where are they in the Bible? Exodus 20 (linked to Bible)

The 10 Commandments:

  1. Acknowledge there is only ONE God: God is not “whatever/whomever” modern society/culture tells us is okay to believe, all “gods” are not all the same, people do believe in different Gods. God has a personality, God is a spiritual being, God has emotions, God is living, God is our Creator, God is love, God created love, God will not be mocked, God is just, God is powerful. (bible link)
  2. Love God above all. If you want to “test” your adherence to this one, fill in the blank with what comes to mind: Who or what is most important in your life? _______ Be honest answering this question, only you will know your honest answer. If you answered anything other than God, you have a potential “idol” in your life, you are potentially worshiping something other than God and you may not even realize it! There is something else that many may not realize is breaking this commandment: if a person prays to a “saint” that person is breaking this commandment. We are supposed to go to God with everything, why would a person pray to someone less than God? Wouldn’t it make more sense to pray to the most powerful, most capable directly? It really doesn’t make sense, but it is taught in a Christian faith. There are parts of the Bible when a person falls down on their face in front of an angel who visited, and the angel often tells them: basically don’t worship me, I’m just a messenger. Other biblical people did great great things, had incredible roles given to them by God, as there are some people today doing the same, they were (or are) God’s messengers, but they were (or are) human, not God. They deserve respect, but NOT our prayers addressed to them. (bible link)
  3. Only say God’s name with respect when referring to Him. Yes, when a person cusses saying “God…” that is breaking this command. (bible link)
  4. Every week, devote a day to resting and connecting with God. If we don’t, we are breaking this commandment. As I understand, originally the Sabbath day was what we refer to as Saturday, but some religions changed it to Sunday, for what reason, I’m not sure, but this is one of those “technicalities” that may not be worth debating? It’s probably more important to identify: What’s the main point of this command: resting and making it holy (connecting with God). Get your work done the other six days, but on the 7th day, take a break, connect with God. (bible link)
  5. Realize that our natural parents were used by God for us to be here and God wants us to honor our parents. Some people have wonderful loving parents and some people don’t, but that isn’t what matters. They are human, and not perfect, just like us, so they deserve “honor” for bringing us into this world and this was important enough to God to issue a command to us regarding this. (bible link)
  6. Do not murder/kill anyone. For those who happily say: I don’t have to worry that I’ve not broken that one! Jesus put a heavier meaning on it and we all break this commandment! Jesus tells us “anger” is included in this command! Read Matthew 5: 21-25 (here) and more about fighting, paybacks, enemies Read Matthew 5: 38-48 (here) and the (bible link) to the command.
  7. Do not commit adultery. But Jesus puts a heavier meaning on this command also: looking at someone lustfully, Jesus also addresses divorce, remarriage and oaths. Read Matthew 5: 27-37 (here)
  8. Do not steal. It’s worthwhile to read the definition of “steal” because it happens a lot today in business, politics, and among people in general. (bible link)
  9. Do not lie (deceive others or make an untrue statement). (bible link)
  10. Do not desire something that belongs to someone else, whether the desire is for a material thing or a person. (bible link)

It’s interesting in the Bible when the Commandments were given to Moses by God to share with people, the people were in fear of God, but what Moses said is interesting:

20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

Fear was used by God to TEST people and keep people FROM SINNING. When Jesus talked with his disciples, he also elaborated about the commands:

We need God to make the impossible happen: Jesus made it possible for us (he was the final sacrifice). We need Jesus to get to Heaven, we couldn’t do it by being good, because we fail at that. We need the Holy Spirit’s help living our lives: wisdom, guidance, self-control, etc. Obedience to God’s commands does matter because it shows our love to God; deliberate dis-obedience shows disregard for God and what He’s asked of us; it doesn’t show love to God. So if we honestly BELIEVE this, then we will try our best to live the way God wants us to live, out of thankfulness and respect for God because of what Jesus did for us. If we mess up along the way (and we will, Jesus acknowledged that), God is the most forgiving of all, but He also won’t be mocked, and don’t forget He is omnipresent (nothing is hidden from Him) and He is just, so it does matter how we live. It is important to remember that some of the most well known figures in the Bible broke commandments: Moses killed someone out of anger, David committed adultery and killed Bathsheeba’s husband, Paul (Saul) had persecuted and killed Christians prior to his conversion but he ended up writing much of the New Testament. However, the one thing in common all these people had was love and respect towards God and Jesus’ death and resurrection was the price paid for sin. This further supports Jesus’ statement that the 2 greatest commandments are: #1 Love God and #2 Love Others.

God acknowledged Jesus when Jesus was baptized:

People in the Old Testament also acknowledged Jesus, these are just a few examples, because I’m still studying the books written by the Prophets:

Isaiah (740 BC to 681 BC): Jesus’ birth and second coming referenced (here) and (here) and (here) and (here) and (here) and (here) and (here) and (here) and so many more places that I haven’t underlined in my study bible yet.

Jeremiah (626 BC to 585 BC): Jesus (here)

Ezekiel (593 BC to 571 BC) Jesus (here)

Daniel (536 BC to 530 BC) Jesus (here)

Joel (c. 609 BC) Jesus second coming (here)

In summary, from what I’ve read, it doesn’t seem like we can ignore The Commandments and anticipate Heaven. God knows our intentions and we will be judged after we die, or if we are alive, after Jesus returns.

Jesus said we have to be “born again” to enter God’s kingdom. “Born of the Spirit” (read this)

Regarding Jesus’ return: this is something else that wasn’t focused on very much in the “religion” classes I had growing up. But it’s very interesting reading what most of the Prophets in the Bible foretold will happen prior to and when Jesus returns. That event remains in the future for all of us, as of now. I may write about that next? As I was speed reading those books looking for the references to Jesus, I was amazed how connected each Prophet’s book is regarding the future and how similar the Old Testament is to the New Testament’s Book of Revelation and also what Jesus told his followers about his return. Things that can’t be ignored.

Am I a “Fake Christian”?

In some parts of the world, being a Christian is acceptable and has a positive connotation; but in other parts of the world, being a Christian is not acceptable and people are persecuted for it. Thankfully, in the US, we currently have freedom of speech and don’t fear referring to ourselves as a Christian. However, being a Christian in today’s modern world has lost its some of its meaning; many think, if I say I believe in Jesus, I’m saved. (But don’t forget, even the demons in the bible believed in God, and you probably know they won’t be in eternal life with God.) Therefore making it to Heaven by believing in Jesus, including his death, resurrection and ascension (faith) is part of the truth, but not the whole truth.

Throughout this article, links to verses from the bible are provided, supporting the statements made.

Many may not know, or never paid attention to the next part: faith without action is dead, or they never heard Jesus’ talk about the wide gate and the narrow gate. I was one of those people who thought believing in Jesus and being a “good” person was enough. But being “good” is not enough, and no person is “good”, only God is “good” – Jesus said that. We can’t get to Heaven just by being “good” because we would never be that good to be in God’s presence. Jesus was the sacrifice, God’s gift to us that makes this possible, but throughout the Bible, we are told to be obedient and change our ways. I didn’t fully comprehend what this meant for many years, so it made me think: maybe there are more people like me who are not fully aware of this either?

The word “Christian” is used very casually today, many of us calling ourselves Christians/Believers, but not acting like Christians/Believers (aka “Fake Christians”). “Fake Christians” give practicing Christians a bad reputation to those who don’t believe anything or follow a different religion. I say practicing Christians because let’s face it, no one is or will ever be the perfect Christian and that is why God sent Jesus as THE sacrifice for all of us who call ourselves Christians. I write this for an awareness most importantly because knowing this affects our eternal life/salvation promised by God. Knowing if we will make it has been so diluted by so many religious authority figures, in an effort to become “politically correct,” it concerns me, especially when it comes to the question: “Will I make it to God’s promised eternal life?” this subject becomes important for every single one of us on earth.

So what is a true Christian, a true believer? A follower of Christ. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ, a believer? If we believe what Jesus taught when He was here then he told us what we need to do. He didn’t just say “believe,” in His first teachings He told people to “repent.” So being a “believer/Christian” means doing a lot of things, such as:

So after reading this above, it’s probably pretty easy to see that being a Christian isn’t easy or effortless. But it’s also important to not become discouraged, to know that no one will be perfect; it’s the true intention we have that matters to God. That’s why regular prayers and connecting with God is important. And correcting our mistakes as soon as we realize we made one.

Studying the bible showed me I had a lot of work to do. It’s much easier to say we are all saved by grace and we don’t have to do anything else…but I don’t believe that is the full Truth: we have a choice, an obligation, and a commitment to make.

We have to have a relationship with God, if we don’t we may hear Jesus say to us: “I never knew you.” The other important part to know is that only one sin is unforgivable: blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, but no other sin is too bad for God to forgive. He willingly forgives and encourages us to do the same with each other, when someone asks for our forgiveness. It’s never too late and it’s what God wants: a relationship with us in eternity.