12 Questions to answer and find out if you will have eternal life.

Let’s just get to the point. Russia is currently setting up outside Ukraine. China has been threatening Taiwan. Iran is enhancing its nuclear capacity and openly expresses its unacceptance (to put it mildly) of Israel and the United States. The Middle East in general is continuously in some level of conflict.

If you haven’t done this yet, it’s time to make sure your ETERNAL future is in the place of your choosing, because you may not end up where you expect. You need to make a decision and take action now. So here are 12 questions to know where you may end up and find out what you need to do if you don’t get the answer you want:

  1. Do you believe that JESUS is the ONLY way that you can be in eternity with God? (You can’t be “good enough” based on your own actions.) Yes or No?
  2. Are you familiar with the 10 Commandments? Yes or No?
  3. Do you admit that you break God’s commands? Yes or No?
  4. Do you know the following is prohibited by God and those who continually do this (and don’t change these ways) will not enter God’s eternal kingdom? (sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, theft, lying, slander, “magic” such as seances, astrology, mediums, practice of witchcraft, spiritist, interpreting omens, casting spells, anger, getting drunk, sexual perversion, false teachers of religion, false prophets of religion, pride, a person who stirs up conflict in the community, a person who loves and practices any false teaching, hypocrites, taking advantage of other people, practicing homosexuality, slave traders, anyone who speaks against God’s Spirit (the Holy Spirit), being conceited, prioritizing money or wealth) Yes or No?
  5. Have you rebelled against/sinned against God by doing anything in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  6. Have you asked God for forgiveness and subsequently made an effort to avoid all things listed in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  7. Have you told God that you want and intend to be obedient to Him by not breaking anything in #3 and #4, even though it is hard to do and you will mess up occasionally, but not regularly? Yes or No?
  8. Do you ask God for forgiveness then change the behavior if, or when, you do anything listed in #3 or #4? Yes or No?
  9. Have you publicly shown your commitment and surrendered to God and without hesitation state your belief in Jesus being the Son of God, the Messiah, who made it possible for you to be in eternity with God by being Baptized? Yes or No?
  10. Have you asked Jesus for God’s spirit (the Holy Spirit) to help you live according to God’s will? Yes or No?
  11. Do you know God personally? Do you have a personal relationship (ie. pray, read the bible, study the bible) with God? Yes or No?
  12. Is the Spirit of God residing in you? Yes or No?

If you honestly answered “Yes” to ALL the questions above, you can know that you will have eternal life with God. If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, then you have work to do if you want eternal life with God.

Here are some (but not all) links to scripture validating the questions above:

  1. John 14:6
  2. 10 Commandments: Exodus 20
  3. We all sin: 1 John 5:17, Romans 3:23, 1John 3:4, John 8:34
  4. Many Verses, Drinking
  5. Mark 21:7, Romans 3:12
  6. Acts 3:19
  7. Matthew 7:21
  8. 1 John 1:9
  9. Get Baptized, Matthew 10:32, Romans 8:2
  10. John 15: 26
  11. Matthew 7:14, Hebrews 8:12
  12. Romans 8:11, 1 John 5:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:8

What happens when it’s time for you to leave the Playground? Are you ready?

Did you ever consider: what if all this “biblical truth” is in front of your eyes, not to condemn you, but to reach you out of love? Have you ever experienced this situation with a friend? You saw something that was harmful to them, they may know it too, but they don’t want to accept it. You try to encourage them out of love (because you care about them) encouraging them in a different direction, but they won’t accept what you are saying and they keep doing what you know is, or will be, harmful to them if they keep going in the same direction. What if God loves you so much that it hurts Him to see what’s happening in your life because He knows the ultimate outcome and He doesn’t want you to experience it? One fact I know is true: God works through people in our lives, there are no “coincidences,” things happen for a reason, this reason: to fulfill God’s will. God will work all things (even the bad stuff) for the ultimate good in His people’s lives.

I just had another “coincidence” occur: people saying the same thing I was thinking but didn’t want to accept. This morning I prayed to God and asked Him to point me to relevant scripture that He wants to be shared and when I opened the bible, it happened again (another affirmation) what if this is the truth? I opened the Bible to this: The left page was this (Acts 8:20 – 32) and the right page was this (Acts 8:33-Acts: 9:11). As I was linking Acts 9:11 just now, I mixed up the numbers accidently and entered Acts 1:9-11! Read it! Wow.

If you read any of my prior posts, you may notice the underlying “truth” which I’m hesitant to express, but weighs heavily on me. What if we truly don’t have much time ahead of us? Are you prepared? Am I prepared? How much time do we have to get prepared? I can’t answer how much time we have, but I can share that I feel a sense of urgency and I have a hard time accepting it, but it only keeps being affirmed: by the bible and by religious leaders (Pastors, Rabbis and Muslims). This situation is like a child having a great time playing on a playground and the parent calling the child, saying it’s time to go. Some children obey willingly and other children throw a temper tantrum because they are not ready. This represents all of us, right now! We are the children and God is calling us. Which child are you? (I was the temper tantrum child, I’ll be honest about it, but I’ve accepted it now and I’m not sad about it. I’m prepared to “leave the playground,” because something better is waiting for me and you, if you believe.)

These are the words that I’ve been hearing lately: “It’s not going to get better.” Who wants to hear that? None of us! Why do you think I didn’t want to accept it? Those who read scripture (Christians, Jewish and Muslims) are all saying the same thing right now. I’ve listened to each. That’s one subject all faiths agree upon. It is concerning because, as a Christian, I believe the bible after reading it: prior predictions (prophesies) came true, many other reasons (I wrote about here) and the purpose (2 Timothy 3) of the bible is very clear to me.

I searched the bible, not accepting what religious leaders said, I didn’t trust them. I wanted to know what does the bible teach us about “getting ready”? It’s pretty simple actually: “come as you are” with a desire of seeking God, understanding the truth and a willingness to let God lead your life. We are not perfect people and we will never be (until God completes us and gives us immortal bodies- yes that will happen). But right now, don’t worry about “cleaning up” your life before willfully giving the rest of your life to God, if you do that, you will be setting yourself up for a long struggle, don’t waste your time: Commit to God while your life is still messed up, God’s power will help your life get cleaned up. What’s impossible for us is possible with God (Luke 18:27). Jesus called this process “being born again” (John 3). This is simply making a decision.

If you choose to commit to God, believe in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead your life, you have nothing to fear about the future. God has incredible plans for our future; it’s something to be excited about. (John 14 and Revelation 21 and Revelation 22)

Once you make the decision, stay connected to God because you will need Him to succeed: pray as often as possible, take time to study the bible (know what’s in it so you don’t believe lies), find other people who have made the same choice as you for encouragement when times get tough (gather together), and get a bible if you don’t have one. Currently, we have internet access to bibles, but what if we don’t someday? We need to know what is in it, so we aren’t manipulated in the future. I was told about a study bible which I bought and have shared with other people who found it helpful. It is helpful because it includes many common questions (the top 100 most asked questions) and biblical answers to them. Here is a link to the study bible I have, if you want one?

It is time to prepare.

Predicting the Future

Who doesn’t desire knowledge regarding the future? Isn’t “the future” often the subject matter discussed at many conferences? If we learn about the future we feel more comfortable, have more certainty, or do we?

Have you ever been disappointed, expecting more than you received?

If you answered “Yes,” this could be the reality once again, if we don’t prepare for the future. The greatest, most valuable and limited resource we have is TIME.

We anticipate life returning to “normal” in the future. But if we truly return to “normal” then we will miss an opportunity. Hopefully we DON’T return to “normal” but instead return to “better.” We all know setbacks are opportunities for improving; there is always a lesson learned. Did we use this time to become better? To improve what we do? To improve ourselves? Did we learn anything?

Time is all of this: certain, yet uncertain and limited. Our time is limited by God. Our time is uncertain: we don’t know when our time will end or why the time will be chosen, but we know the time is set by God for the purpose He intends. Our time is certain because it will end someday; we can’t delay or eliminate that fact by ignoring it or expecting it won’t happen for a long time.

Isn’t it better to first become prepared, then be able to relax and enjoy life? Any anxiety will go away, if we prepare in advance.

The only way to overcome fear is to face it, then replace it.

This current experience we are having may be a test of our faith and trust in God. Going forward, we can lose fear and anxiety if we replace our fear with trust in God. God is love and there is no fear in love.

What we are experiencing right may have a greater purpose so if we haven’t felt this already, maybe it’s time to make “obedience” to God a real commitment? surrender to God: placing God first as our priority, then doing our best each and every day, obeying Him, giving up things that may seem “fun” to us, but are sinful according to God, obeying the 10 Commandments and avoiding what God hates:

These are undoubtedly tough rules/commands to follow for most of us, but they are fact and we have been warned. The choice is personal. No person has the right to judge another person, judgement is God’s right, not ours. All sin is equally bad in God’s eyes, so none of us can think we are better than another. We all sin in some way. Those who say they don’t aren’t being honest. God knows the intent inside each of us, and that is what will ultimately matter in our future.

The future has been predicted. The prediction is in the Bible. There will be an end; there will be judgement. The choice is ours and our time left is unknown (even to the angels).

The positive message from this: if we keep God’s commands, we can avoid God’s wrath. Don’t delay.