Letter to “My Younger Self”

This question was asked: “What three words of advice would you give your younger self now?” This question was a discussion point at our church this past weekend, having us sharing our answers with those next to each of us. My friends and I all had different answers and it was interesting to hear others’ responses to this question because some were funny, some were serious, but all were insightful about the headline of a story of each person.

The first three words that popped in mind were: “Trust and Obey.” These words are interesting to me because the subject of the message was “hearing God’s voice” (the recorded message is below) I went Saturday, January 7, 2023, but this is the recorded one from Sunday.

In hindsight I wonder, was that God’s voice speaking to me and others, telling each one of us something different? If we are connected to God, it could have been. I’m still trying to discern when thoughts pop into my mind: is this just a thought of mine, from God, or from God’s enemy? I’ve found when certain thoughts (thoughts that don’t contradict scripture, and ones that push me towards something “good” but not necessarily what “I feel” like doing)- these may be God’s voice. Just now as I’m writing this a specific scripture came to mind, scripture about when God was going to pass near Elijah and he looked for God, waited for God, but each moment he thought was God, it wasn’t, then God finally came as a “a whisper”- God is gentle and loving! 1 Kings 19:11-12, click here for multiple verses that show that God speaks as a whisper!

This morning, I woke up thinking about this message, the words that came to mind last Saturday came to mind again this morning. I’ve found that often when I “get a message or hear” from God, it is repeated three times: the same message, often through different people or sources, shortly thereafter. As I started to write this, I also recalled this message of “Trust and Obey” had made an impact on me before, I wrote about it as my faith journey started (February 20, 2017), here is a link to that post: Trust and Obey That was six years ago, and re-reading it I can see how much I’ve learned and changed since then, yet I still have the same struggles! I’m reminded (in thoughts) that we are not perfect and won’t be until God perfects us and changes us to the “perfect children” He intended us to be at the future return of Jesus, when He gathers his children and we are changed in an instant. 1 Corinthians 15:52, read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Until then, we will have our struggles, but throughout the struggles, I know that it is important to continue to turn to God when we don’t do what we know we should do. It’s a continual refocus, don’t let go of the relationship with God. God hears the prayers of those who love him (Proverbs 15:29) and are obedient to his commands (John 14:15). (Look at all these verses in scripture what it tells us about obeying God’s commands.)

There is much more to say beyond “Trust and Obey.” In order to trust someone, we need to know that someone and in this situation, it means knowing God, His character, what has been revealed to us through scripture about Him, what He told others. Scripture gives us ALL the guidance about important matters that we need about life FROM God, our creator! (2 Timothy 3:16) So by trusting in God, trusting in His word, we are “guided” throughout life. God promises blessings to those who trust His words and obey them (taking action, not just knowing what is recommended, but doing it). If I learned this long ago, to trust and obey, I would have avoided some situations in life that were troublesome for me. This doesn’t mean that we will have a life without trouble, trouble still comes for other reasons: when we are being tested which reveals our level of Trust in Him. What better way to know a person’s true intention than by seeing their action when we are truly tested. We can say certain things by knowing “the correct answer” but knowing and doing don’t always align. That’s when we need to ask God for the Holy Spirit (who is given to those who obey – Acts 5:32) to guide and give us self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) – The Advocate (look at each of those verses about the Advocate, I also see something important here: the Advocate is God, is Jesus, is the Holy Spirit!)

Getting back to the advice I would give my younger self:

  1. Seek God First in everything you do.
  2. Know that you are loved, you were created out of love by God – because He wants you in His future Kingdom
  3. Know that you are unique, valuable, created by God and have a specific purpose that only you are made to do
  4. Know that your parents on earth are “bonus” parents because God is your true father and the One who gave/gives you life
  5. Listen for God’s guidance, if you obey His commands, He will give His Spirit to guide you in life and keep you on the “narrow road” that leads to God’s kingdom
  6. Know the true definition of “LOVE”: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails….(1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)
  7. Know how to see if someone has God’s spirit, and connect/stay connected with those people in your life, if they show the following in their actions: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control… (Read Galatians 5:13-26
  8. Love God, Love Others.
  9. Trust God in all circumstances
  10. Pray daily: Thank God for the good in life, ask for daily guidance and protection
  11. Read scripture daily to continue to learn, hear from God, and stay connected to His Spirit
  12. Keep your focus on obeying God’s commands because God gives His Spirit to those who choose to obey Him, by obedience your life will be blessed by God, this is how you show God that you love Him- by obeying His commands, it also shows respect, honor and gratitude to God for all that He has given and promises His children in the future (immortality in God’s kingdom), we need God’s Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God- Jesus said (as recorded in John, Chapter 3):

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

John 3:5

Eyes Opened after Looking Back

The end of the year is a logical time to reflect on life: What did we learn? Do we notice a pattern? What good happened? What are we grateful for? What do we want to change? What will our goals be heading into the New Year?

If you’ve read any of my prior blogs, you will understand this: our lives have a purpose, we are where we are for a reason. Do you know your purpose? Do you know the reason your life is the way it is right now?

I went through most of my life not thinking about this until my life was “shaken” in 2015 by an untimely death. That caused me to question everything in life: purpose, reasons, etc. I had no answers, only questions. I was confused about life and wanted answers, started searching. It led me to evaluating and making significant changes in life, taking action, but without knowing my purpose or the answers to the “reason.” I was lost, but moving, aimlessly, seeking, wanting life to be better but not knowing how to make it better.

2016 was continued seeking, transitioning to a “changed life.” I began praying more than I ever did in the past and in 2017 “surrendered” my life to Jesus, wanting his guidance. I was lost, I needed guidance, I didn’t have the answers, but I knew my way of doing things wasn’t effective; it was lacking. 2017 was a year of mild turbulence: ups and downs and I was wondering why since I surrendered but I kept my trust in God. 2018 seemed to be the turning point, everything seemed to be falling in place and I was grateful. 2019 brought a noticeable “dark cloud” into my life but I still trusted in God and went to Him for answers. I was led to the Bible and read it front to back for the first time and it literally made me want to change my life even more. My eyes were opened. I realized I was not living as God wanted me to. I decided to try to live better. I was hopeful heading into 2020. (LOL) I don’t need to explain 2020 to anyone; I think we all had the same year! But that’s when I “woke up” I realized what was happening in the world. I continued to go to God for answers to my questions and He revealed the answers in the Bible. It was amazing to experience this “communication” from God through prayer and the Bible.

2021 in summary was probably the worst year I’ve experienced in life, but not in every way: God was all I had to help me through it and He did. God is truly all I needed. When the Bible says God is faithful, God provides, God protects – all that is true. Throughout these past 6 years, I’ve learned to fully trust God. I’ve learned the answers to most of my questions (through the Bible). I have a different outlook on 2022, than I have in past years. In past years I looked forward to the hope of a better year. I don’t have that outlook this time. I don’t expect a better year. I actually expect a more challenging year, but I have all I need: God.

I have a mindset very different from a few years ago. I foresee the years ahead as getting tougher, but I KNOW (not just guess) this is only a transition to the greatest years of all time ahead, and I look forward to that with much anticipation. This is a time for endurance and perseverance. I don’t yet know how many future years ahead, but my intuition is that it won’t be too far away. Stay strong, stay connected with God and we will make it through.

When the Obvious Isn’t.

How many times have we had this happen: something that puzzled us becomes known and then we think: “Wow, I should have seen that!”? Often it happens when we consider another person’s thoughts, another person’s perspective, someone who notices something we didn’t initially, until that person points it out. This is how each of us can help each other. So many people throughout my life have unknowingly influenced me; they unknowingly contributed to my direction in life: some were positive influences and others were negative influences, but both influenced change in me. This is also a reminder to “be thankful in all circumstances.” when that influence contributes to a positive change, and even if the circumstance is negative. But sometimes the change was negative: a great reminder to be intentional with friendships.

Those are examples of “small details” in life, the bigger picture in life is something that I gradually became aware of, through other people who pointed out very obvious details that I’ve passed over so many times throughout my entire life:

There is a literal Kingdom that has been and is forming right in front of us; it’s a “right in front of your face” “secret” formation (only because we are “blind” to it), so subtle that many don’t see it!

Thinking about a “Kingdom” in a literal sense is not something a US citizen would necessarily embrace, and many others may not either because of the mistrust and corruption we see every day. But this literally is happening right now, but not by force as many historical Kingdoms have formed in the past; with this one, each of us is allowed and encouraged to decide if we choose to live in this Kingdom which is currently forming.

Something finally connected with me this morning, many people might know the words to this prayer, but many of us may have simply memorized it, not thinking about each and every word. Here is the prayer, the prayer Jesus gave by example of how to pray to God:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]

This is what I see now, some of which I didn’t see before:

  1. Where is God? “in heaven“- a spiritual realm we can’t fully comprehend because we haven’t seen it, (click the links for supporting documentation).
  2. Hallowed: “greatly revered and honored”- God, and only God, is to be worshipped, nothing should be more important than God in our lives (the first 3 Commandments given by God, summarized here)
  3. your kingdom come: This is literal, I didn’t comprehend this until now! God’s Kingdom will be coming to us, to earth, a NEW earth with a NEW ruler (Jesus) pay attention to how many times Kingdom is referenced, Kingdom – of heaven, not only that but the bible references “heavens”, plural, not a single place where people will permanently be! There is a new literal place that is offered to those who accept God’s Kingdom and God’s commands/God’s Kingdom’s rules will live, a place so beautiful, so challenging to describe, so peaceful, without sickness or evil.
  4. your will be done: God’s plan will happen, but along the way people’s choices are allowed by God, but eventually His plan will prevail, Jesus was part of God’s plan, part of God’s plan from the very beginning, prophesized by Isaiah approximately 700 years before Jesus was born!
  5. on earth as it is in heaven -the Kingdom of heaven will be brought here, to earth, under Jesus as ruler (see prior links)
  6. Give us today our daily bread – if we seek God first, all that we need will be provided to us, Jesus said this.
  7. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors – Jesus explained how important it is for us to forgive others, it affects us if we don’t forgive.
  8. and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. This is where we see that those who are still controlled by the devil, do not recognize Jesus; it is our choice to break from and abandon that (be born again) and with the help and power of the Holy Spirit given to those who obey and ask God for help in Jesus’ name, we can overcome that slavery to sin.

It’s pretty amazing how much is within this simple prayer and referenced in other teachings Jesus gave us and throughout the Bible! There are a couple of videos I recommend on this subject, if you, or someone you know prefers to watch rather than read ?

Video 1: The Kingdom of God -AOC Network

Video 2: Walking in the Spirit – AOC Network

Video 2: The Millennial Reign of Christ – Pastor Daniel Batarseh

This is something I certainly look forward to! I love to travel, so I think about the beautiful places I’ve experienced (like driving the Na Pali Highway in Oahu, HI), or other places I’ve only seen through photos….and God created all that, but He has plans for something even better than that, something new- now THAT is VERY exciting to think about!!

God and Relationships: Healing, Forgiveness and Love

Last night before I went to sleep, when I prayed, I asked God if He would inspire me with something meaningful to share because I haven’t written in this blog since June, I wanted to write, but I haven’t felt inspired for awhile. Well, God answered that prayer at 6 am this morning when the title of this was the first thought I had as soon as I woke up.

It amazes me how the Bible shares wisdom with us “scattered” throughout the book, through different messengers, but all giving the same message.

This topic is consistently timely because we interact with people on a daily basis and need God’s help “dealing with” people, and more appropriately “dealing with” ourselves. I’ll explain the image for this article and how it relates:

We need God in our relationships: any relationship with God as a part of it equals love.

God is love.


I believe in being accountable for my own actions, not making excuses (understanding what leads me to something, but not blaming my actions on someone or something else). I’m responsible for my own actions no matter what happens around me. I personally choose to react the way I do. So why is it that I allow different standards for others? I allow excuses for them. Excuses justifying other’s actions or behavior, when I wouldn’t allow myself to act that way. I made excuses because I thought trying to be a Christian meant accepting other people as they are, and not being judgmental of others, which it does, but there is more to this:

A Christian should help others be aware of the wisdom from God through the bible (awareness only -not judgement nor retaliation- that’s reserved for God) – don’t be silent, speak up, but don’t do this in anger, do this in a loving way to build up the other person, in the knowledge of God, not tear them down.




I had to think: which comes first: healing or forgiveness? It’s a challenge to forgive someone if we haven’t healed from what happened. But we also can’t heal from it unless we forgive it (let it go). So maybe it’s a combination of healing and forgiveness, but first and most importantly seeking God. This is where we NEED God: to heal and to forgive. There is no question about that. I often think of this simple statement which is so true:

Hurt people hurt people.

Pastor Rick Warren

It’s something I keep in mind whenever someone hurts me. It’s important to have that perspective, it makes it easier to accept someone for who they are. We can’t know everything that happened to someone during their life. If someone was loved throughout their life, they wouldn’t hurt. So because they have been hurt (and haven’t healed), they hurt other people. So it’s so important for all of us to heal from the hurt other people caused in our lives.


If we want a great relationship with anyone, we need to be able to forgive, regularly! Forgiving someone doesn’t mean allowing what they did to continue as if it doesn’t affect us. But if the other person who hurt us is truly sorry, that person will do their best to not do it again and ask for a second chance. If the person truly wants forgiveness and tells us how they have changed and why they have changed, then we need to offer forgiveness. (If this is an abusive situation, we may need to offer forgiveness but not remain in that person’s life for safety reasons. This type of situation requires other qualified individuals’ assessment of the situation.)



On our own, we are going to fail, that’s the truth, but if we have the Holy Spirit in us, we will succeed. So how do we receive the Holy Spirit? God sends the Holy Spirit to us if we ask and OBEY God:

And this is why we need God in all of our relationships. We need a relationship with God so that we can have good relationships with other people through the strength of the Holy Spirit in us.

Once we have a relationship with God, he will protect us until the end of times.

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN TELL IF SOMEONE HAS A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (these qualities will be evident in that person’s life):

We obviously need God as the priority in our life, so the rest of our life can fall in place. As in any good relationship, there is an exchange of giving and receiving. This is no different with God, we aren’t going to receive the power of the Holy Spirit unless we obey God’s commands (sin keeps the power of the Holy Spirit from us). God always loves us, but the power of the Spirit is reserved for those who obey Him. The power of the Holy Spirit makes our lives more peaceful, provides joy, wisdom and enables us to love in a more godly way than we could on our own.

I hope you found this helpful for your relationships!

Am I a “Fake Christian”?

In some parts of the world, being a Christian is acceptable and has a positive connotation; but in other parts of the world, being a Christian is not acceptable and people are persecuted for it. Thankfully, in the US, we currently have freedom of speech and don’t fear referring to ourselves as a Christian. However, being a Christian in today’s modern world has lost its some of its meaning; many think, if I say I believe in Jesus, I’m saved. (But don’t forget, even the demons in the bible believed in God, and you probably know they won’t be in eternal life with God.) Therefore making it to Heaven by believing in Jesus, including his death, resurrection and ascension (faith) is part of the truth, but not the whole truth.

Throughout this article, links to verses from the bible are provided, supporting the statements made.

Many may not know, or never paid attention to the next part: faith without action is dead, or they never heard Jesus’ talk about the wide gate and the narrow gate. I was one of those people who thought believing in Jesus and being a “good” person was enough. But being “good” is not enough, and no person is “good”, only God is “good” – Jesus said that. We can’t get to Heaven just by being “good” because we would never be that good to be in God’s presence. Jesus was the sacrifice, God’s gift to us that makes this possible, but throughout the Bible, we are told to be obedient and change our ways. I didn’t fully comprehend what this meant for many years, so it made me think: maybe there are more people like me who are not fully aware of this either?

The word “Christian” is used very casually today, many of us calling ourselves Christians/Believers, but not acting like Christians/Believers (aka “Fake Christians”). “Fake Christians” give practicing Christians a bad reputation to those who don’t believe anything or follow a different religion. I say practicing Christians because let’s face it, no one is or will ever be the perfect Christian and that is why God sent Jesus as THE sacrifice for all of us who call ourselves Christians. I write this for an awareness most importantly because knowing this affects our eternal life/salvation promised by God. Knowing if we will make it has been so diluted by so many religious authority figures, in an effort to become “politically correct,” it concerns me, especially when it comes to the question: “Will I make it to God’s promised eternal life?” this subject becomes important for every single one of us on earth.

So what is a true Christian, a true believer? A follower of Christ. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ, a believer? If we believe what Jesus taught when He was here then he told us what we need to do. He didn’t just say “believe,” in His first teachings He told people to “repent.” So being a “believer/Christian” means doing a lot of things, such as:

So after reading this above, it’s probably pretty easy to see that being a Christian isn’t easy or effortless. But it’s also important to not become discouraged, to know that no one will be perfect; it’s the true intention we have that matters to God. That’s why regular prayers and connecting with God is important. And correcting our mistakes as soon as we realize we made one.

Studying the bible showed me I had a lot of work to do. It’s much easier to say we are all saved by grace and we don’t have to do anything else…but I don’t believe that is the full Truth: we have a choice, an obligation, and a commitment to make.

We have to have a relationship with God, if we don’t we may hear Jesus say to us: “I never knew you.” The other important part to know is that only one sin is unforgivable: blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, but no other sin is too bad for God to forgive. He willingly forgives and encourages us to do the same with each other, when someone asks for our forgiveness. It’s never too late and it’s what God wants: a relationship with us in eternity.

One Change: making a Difference

This “change” has been on my mind for days now, so I’m giving in and writing about it. There are countless books on “Do This” subject matter for those seeking personal improvement. But it wasn’t until I was listening to a podcast, that I truly absorbed the enormity of this realizing this ONE, singular, simple change makes all the difference in literally EVERY relationship we have (family, friends, business, and even strangers)! And it’s a personal change I can make and you can make and once the change is made, it will impact however many people we interact with throughout life: the count could be thousands, millions or billions of people impacted! It’s not easy; but it IS SIMPLE! A simple concept, similar to golf: one that takes continual effort to master the skill; it requires daily, realistically every minute focus, to change and improve, because it’s not natural, but it can make a difference INSTANTLY when applied.

What is it? Changing our mindset from being self-centered and selfish to selfless. I loved this clever statement when I heard it: “being selfless requires thinking of my self LESS” by Rick Warren (link).

Immediately upon stating this, I realize there are some selfless people who are used or abused by others. While everyone should be selfless, there are abusive situations where avoiding or removing yourself from a situation like that is the right thing to do. The book of Proverbs is a source for wisdom about this. It is written: “do not associate with…” In an abusive situation, remember that God values YOU and you do not deserve abuse. God rescued people from abusive situations: The Israelites from slavery in Egypt, Joseph from his abusive brothers, Paul from bondage in prison, Peter from prison, to name a few examples and rescued all of us from something even worse, eternal death, through Jesus Christ.

This is more than relevant this week, because this week is Holy Week , it started this past Sunday and leads to the ultimate act of selfLESSness by anyone ever: Jesus’ death on the cross, offering his own life as a sacrifice for all of our sins, making it possible for every single person to have eternal life with God.

Why “a sacrifice” of physical death was ever a solution to remove sin still leaves me with many questions, especially when something/someone innocent was used as the sacrifice. This is ultimately a law of the Universe, but it doesn’t seem to fulfill justice when innocent die so I still struggle with that. I could understand why those who do wrong could be punished (from a justice viewpoint), but not the innocent, especially as a sacrifice. I think there is more to this “law” than we will know while we are living.

Sacrifice is not something any of us WANT to do, we want to avoid it, if at all possible, even in a minimal way (when our comfort is challenged). But self sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love. When we let go of something we want for the benefit of others or when we give up something for the benefit of others, we are self sacrificing, being self LESS; we are being Christlike. So the life sacrifice that Jesus made proves God’s love for all people. Prior to Jesus’ sacrifice, innocent animals were used for this horrible sacrifice, but God was not pleased by those sacrifices and Jesus was the final solution to end this. (this link explains it more)

Many of us have heard the story of Holy Week and Easter, but we’ve heard it so many times, it loses the impact today, for some. It is so “distant,” so long ago, today it becomes Easter eggs and candy, but this year it will be different. Maybe this is our opportunity to really contemplate the significance of this week? The significance of what Jesus did: This season’s MOST IMPORTANT meaning to ALL of us. To be thankful, that Jesus didn’t eternally die and that death isn’t “forever” for those of us who believe!

Jesus rose from his physical death (witnessed by others living at the time and documented in the Bible) to prove to us there is life after death; death is not to be feared, there is a future beyond our physical death and it is a future worth preparing.

Truly comprehending what Jesus did for us makes any of our sacrifices seem small in comparison. But also, it gives me reason for introspection: am I being selfish, self-centered, or self LESS in living my life? This is one mindset change that will make a tremendous difference for both others (now) and our eternity (later).

Wishing you a Happy Easter and hoping we all change for the better this year!