The “Day of the Lord” is approaching; What is Your Strategy? (Part 2)

If we seek success in anything; we typically create a strategy to achieve it. Agree? So I’m going to ask THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF YOUR EXISTENCE: The “Day of the Lord” is approaching; What is your Strategy?

First of all, what is “the Day of the Lord”? Here is a link summarizing the “the Day of the Lord” also read the 22 exact verses found in both Hebrew and Greek scripture from the Bible (click link here). The Day of the Lord is both a good day (for those prepared) and a bad day (for those unprepared). You have time, right now, to prepare.

Since The Day of the Lord hasn’t arrived yet: is your current strategy, I am prepared or I am unprepared (haven’t done anything about it yet)? Like everything else in life, we can say, I’ll do it after…(whatever excuse follows in the ….). That excuse/reason or delay may be okay for some decisions in life, but for this decision in life, remember, we have no guarantees on the time remaining in our life. That’s God’s decision. Our decision about preparing or remaining unprepared holds the highest possible risk and is THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION you will ever make because it will affect you ETERNALLY. If you haven’t prepared yet, be thankful to God that your life hasn’t ended and you can change where you reside eternally.

Some people are procrastinators, this probably applies to many of us: We procrastinate on decisions or things we don’t want to do. We make excuses about being “too busy,” but that is just an excuse making us sound important, in demand, etc. But the truth is, we make time for what is important, so being “too busy” means whatever we delay on, is simply not a priority, is not important to us. Again, this might not be critical when it comes to other people, but when it comes to us and God, it is critical. It is a matter of eternal placement.

I grew up Catholic, so I want to mention this made up place of “Purgatory” – it DOES NOT EXIST according to the Bible! After we die, there are no second changes to make amends with God. Jesus clearly told his followers this, when he told the story of Lazarus as documented in the book of Luke Chapter 16 verses 19-31, once we die, our eternal placement is finalized. We will be in a “holding place” called Heaven or in Hades (two very different places). There is no way to cross over between the two places and no way to go back to earth to warn others. There is no way to change the outcome of your eternal destiny at that point. We are given a certain unknown number of opportunities by God (we don’t know how many, the number is up to God), but at a certain point, when God sees us reject Him over and over and not desire a change, He lets us have what we want and He turns us over to our decision. So we can’t blame God about this. We are responsible for this outcome- it was our choice. This is important to know, believe what Jesus said and if a “church”, religion or person ever contradicts what Jesus said, trust Jesus (the way the truth and life- John 14:16) and reject the other. Jesus came to save us, no one else can accomplish that for us nor do they care about us the way that Jesus does. The point is this decision (to be prepared) must be made before we pass away. There are no second chances! Don’t be deceived!

Because this question: “What Happens after Death?” is unclear for many of us, I will write a follow up article on what scripture tells us so people will no longer be confused. It’s unbelievable how many fables have been created to cause confusion and deception. Yes, I think it was intentional to cause confusion and deception – that’s what the enemy of God does: causes confusion and deception in an effort to steal, kill and destroy the people God created. (John 10:10)

I plan to write another follow up article to this one: “What are the signs the Day of the Lord is approaching?” supporting this statement with scripture.

If you want to prepare:

Learn about Jesus from the books of Matthew (one of Jesus’ followers), Mark (a friend of one of Jesus’ followers – Peter), Luke (a doctor who interviewed people who knew Jesus and documented what they said) and John (one of Jesus’ followers, who claimed to be a close friend of Jesus). Do you believe what Jesus said/taught? Can you see that Jesus came to bring eternal life to sinners? Do you understand that Jesus is the ONLY way that it is possible for us to live in eternity with God? (We can’t get there by being “good.” Jesus said: no one is good, but God. and He also said: “no one comes to the Father except through me“)

Ask God for forgiveness of sins and commit to changing (with the help of the Holy Spirit- ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit to help)- this is what scripture calls: “Repent”

Get Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit– this is symbolic of the inner commitment you make to change, turn away from the sinful way of living. When our commitment is honest, God will give us His Spirit when we ask Jesus. This
indwelling of the Spirit is when we are prepared. From this point forward, we wait for the return of Jesus. Those who have died in the past will raise from the dead and be given immortal eternal bodies (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17), those who are still alive when Jesus returns will be changed in an instant (1 Corinthians 15:52) and will be gathered by Jesus and angels to be sheltered and protected from the wrath of God (on the Day of the Lord),

Only you can prepare yourself for this, no one else can do it for you. This is your decision and your destiny as a result of your preparedness: Will you be Prepared or Unprepared?

The “Day of the Lord” is approaching; What is your Role? (Part 1)

This topic (“the day of the Lord”- search those words in a digital bible for understanding) came to mind after I woke up remembering a vision from a dream. I was in the middle of the woods, trees had no leaves, like on a trail, but there were no trails. I saw gentle, loving cute puppies and dogs that were infested with fleas. The puppies and dogs acted completely normal, greeting with wagging their tails, one was injured, without an eye, and shied away a little, but the fleas didn’t seem to make a difference regarding how they responded. I saw a person off in the distance, she was right in the middle of all the flea covered dogs, still loving them as they were, petting them, letting them sit on her lap, as if nothing needed to be done about their condition. It was a strange scene, but most dreams are strange, after praying then reflecting on this dream, I see some biblical applications.

The dogs are symbolic of people, there are many gentle, loving, attractive people who don’t realize they are “infested.” They don’t know what is in the bible, they are unaware of their condition in God’s eyes and their future according to what scripture tells us. People are injured (the dog without an eye and all with fleas), struggling, damaged from life experiences, (still acting normal, doing what we do every day, the same, with no change) yet completely unaware that something can be done to change the condition. The fleas are symbolic of what separates us from God (our actions which are contrary to God’s commands- aka “sin.”) The person in the vision is a loving person who accepts all people as they are (which is a good thing) HOWEVER that person is not doing anything to help the dogs get rid of the fleas and improve their condition, so that person could be doing something more than comforting the dogs.

So the question for all of us is: what part of the scene are you? The dog covered in fleas? The dog without an eye (injured)? The person comforting infested dogs (people)? The person observing all of this? Whatever role we see as ourselves, this shows us there is an action ahead for each of us.

If you are the dog, are you covered in fleas? Do you know what separates you from God? Are you reading, studying the Bible (scripture), asking questions to find out?

If you are the person comforting others or if you are the person observing this, there is more for you to do. Help the dogs (people) get rid of the fleas (sin that separates us from God). Lead people to Jesus through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the bible, through becoming an active participant in a Bible Study, keep doing good things for others, but “step up your game,” there is more to be done. Get active in preparing people for God’s kingdom. That is the kindest, most loving, most comforting thing we can share with others.

Preparation for God’s kingdom is this:

First: knowing Jesus, not knowing of him (as in a “fact”), but knowing him personally (his character, the meaning of the stories he told, the wisdom of God’s kingdom that he shared). Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through him.

Second: knowing what separates us from God (as described by Jesus and every author of the books found in the Bible).

Third: Commit to changing whatever separates you (personally) from God. Surrender your life to Jesus, (when you decide you want to change and live life better, live life as God wants us to.) This is what is meant by “Repent.” As a symbol of this decision, get baptized. Luke 3:3- verse study link From the time Jesus began preaching he said to repent for the kingdom of God is near. (Matthew 4:17) Jesus showed us what surrender means. Jesus did this when he prayed “Not my will but yours be done.” This surrender to God’s will is also found in the one prayer that Jesus taught his followers:

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“ ‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one. ’

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6: 6-14

Fouth: Ask Jesus for the Advocate (the Holy Spirit) after you decide to repent, change because you want to be with God in eternity. The Holy Spirit will work with you, help you, begin to change you into a more godly person. We won’t be perfect, not until Jesus returns when we are given new immortal supernatural bodies, but we will begin to change into better people and will then be prepared for when Jesus returns. On our own this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

Fifth: Stay connected to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit through daily prayer, reading scripture. John 15

Then help others do the same. This is the most loving thing we can do for others: sharing God’s kingdom, eternity with others so they can prepare themselves with the help of the Holy Spirt, then REST and ENJOY all that God has planned for us. Revelation 21 and Revelation 22.

This article is Part 1 of a multipart series focusing on “the Day of the Lord” and advance preparation. Follow this podcast or website to continue in the series.

Obedience Struggles

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

This is a follow up to my prior post yesterday, titled “Trust and Obey.” I think many of us struggle with obedience at different times in life, just think back to the days of being a toddler, a teenager and it continues into adulthood!


The “obedience” subject I’m referring to is a situation of CHOOSING to be obedient, NOT being FORCED to be obedient. Forced obedience is NOT God’s way; God gives us freewill; obedience is our choice. But even if we choose to be obedient, there will be times when our selfish desires or selfish gain are “at war” with the choice of “obedience”: we know what the right thing to do is, but we are tempted when there is something beneficial for us in not choosing what we know is right. This is where scriptural wisdom is clear: we “can’t serve two Masters” as Jesus stated. He was referring to God or Money being the “Masters,” but Jesus also said a house divided will not stand – this is applicable, because we (as a symbolic house) will make a choice at some point, it’s impossible to choose “both,” we can’t be divided. If we are divided, we “will not stand” or in other words “fall.” So what does “fall” mean? In scripture, to “fall” is negative and often indicates a separation from God. Ultimately “the fall” involves having a Master over our lifes; someone or something other than God.


There is something else to consider here, and this will not be well received to say it, but it is truth. Until we choose God, we are under the influence of the evil spiritual realm. Think about it, someone is our Master, people may say, “I’m my own Master”- well that’s a comforting thought to tell ourselves, but it’s not true unfortunately, Jesus states this to Saul/Paul. (Read Acts 26:15-18)

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’

Acts 26:18

Don’t be misled, as Deuteromy 29:19-20 indicates, people are not “safe” or “saved” when they persist in going their own way and not God’s way.

In choosing to become obedient to God, we will be under attack by our own internal desires and by evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realms.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


So why would I want to go through all this? If life was easier before I choose to become obedient to God, why would I want to bring on trouble or attacks of the spiritual realm?

Because God has greater plans for those who choose Him as our Master. Yes, we have to become humble, we are not our own Master, we have a Creator- God made us and we must choose Him as our Master, if we want what God offers us. As God often revealed in scripture, He is the Potter, we are the clay that was formed by His own hands. It’s insightful reading the references to “potter” in scripture, just search that key word in a digital bible.


Getting back to what God has planned for us, in His physical presence ON EARTH: immortality, peace, joy, abundance, healing, no more tears, pure love and gentleness, a physical place to live forever, more beautiful than we can envision, music, celebration, comfort, strength, and more. We will “soar on wings” like eagles, we “will run and not grow weary”, “walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31) Read Revelation 21 and Revelation 22 for a glimpse of what God has planned for those who choose Him. Who doesn’t want to live in this future Kingdom of God? Is it worth going through the “trouble or attacks”? When we are in those times it is challenging, but if we keep our mind focused on the end result, we can endure and persevere because the end result in God’s future Kingdom on earth WILL BE WORTH IT!


To be in God’s Kingdom, we turn to God (repent) ask for forgiveness of the things we do wrong then commit to become obedient to God going forward, knowing we won’t be perfect, so we ASK Jesus for the Holy Spirit to HELP us follow through with obedience and to give us wisdom. When God sees our heart is set on doing this, He gives us this help, when we ask. The point is many people don’t know to ask for this but it is available to ALL who’s heart is turned towards God. Jesus said, No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are “born again”: born of the water (repentance/ie. baptism) and of the Spirit (receiving God’s Spirit- becoming a new creation as a result of receiving God’s spirit). (John 3) After this, we stay connected to God for strength, protection and wisdom through reading scripture and prayers. Obedience does matter because God gives the Spirit to those who are intent on being obedient and having the Spirit indwelling is necessary to be changed into the perfected immortal person who God originally intended for us to be when Jesus returns. Having the Spirit indwelling (being prepared) is what is talked about in parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25.


Here is another “unpopular” truth: Revelation 3:5 says names can be blotted out from the book of Life by God, to be blotted out means the names were once written in the Book of Life! And God’s spirit can depart (1 Samuel 16:14) if we continually choose “sin” when given a choice to choose “obedience” or “sin” as Saul did when he kept choosing his own way/sin not God’s commands. (Search Spirit of the Lord in scripture) for more understanding of this. Why do you think it says “the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom?” Fear of the Lord is referenced 453 times in scripture! This isn’t to put us in constant fear, but it is there to tell us the importance of REMAINING focused on God, in a good relationship with God, (sin separates us from God) we can’t be casual about our ongoing relationship with God. Scripture tells us this is true. If we remain focused on God, we have NOTHING to fear! Remember that too!


Don’t let people give you false information about the concept of Grace we have been given for our salvation (read Jude Chapter 1):

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

Jude 1:4


Jesus also said: “No one can come to the Father, except through me.” Jesus is the only one who made it possible for us to have the opportunity to be in God’s Kingdom. There is no way we could be “good enough” or do enough “good things” through out life to get into God’s Kingdom (it is far more holy than that), even if we are obedient, if we don’t accept, acknowledge or understand what Jesus did on the cross to literally save us- it is meaningless. Jesus, who was sinless, was the only one who could be the acceptable sacrifice according to God’s Law that could be the substitute death for all mankind. Jesus essentially “purchased us” back from death by his action on the cross and resurrection thereafter. Think about this: a scroll was the form of a contract long ago. In Revelation 5, Jesus (the lamb) is the only one worthy to open the scroll (contract) and Jesus break the seals (Revelation 6) securing the contract- this is the “re-purchasing of us” from death. Yes there are some awful things that happen when the seals break but they are necessary according to God’s law as revealed in scripture. Those events have to happen and will happen in accordance with scripture, to refine some, to have some turn towards God, and to ultimately separate those who choose evil from those who choose God. When “the fall of mankind” happened in the Garden of Eden, when humanity (through Adam and Eve) chose to listen/and obey the serpent (Satan)- that’s where mankind came under the influence and power of evil. Jesus’ action broke this evil hold on mankind, but if we don’t understand this and accept what Jesus said, we remain in the dark. And if we deny Jesus, he will deny us before the Father and we will be subject to the Laws we have broken when it’s time for our judgement. Jesus’ action is a gift to those who accept the gift.


So considering all these things, this is why I want/choose to become obedient to God. Speaking the truth is not easy because it makes us uncomfortable knowing these things, but the way I look at it, I would rather know the truth in advance, so that I can prepare and take this seriously, than be caught by surprise at an untimely point (my physical death) when there is no turning back possible. Remember, God gave us this warning because He LOVES us and does not want us to perish!


The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

Letter to “My Younger Self”

This question was asked: “What three words of advice would you give your younger self now?” This question was a discussion point at our church this past weekend, having us sharing our answers with those next to each of us. My friends and I all had different answers and it was interesting to hear others’ responses to this question because some were funny, some were serious, but all were insightful about the headline of a story of each person.

The first three words that popped in mind were: “Trust and Obey.” These words are interesting to me because the subject of the message was “hearing God’s voice” (the recorded message is below) I went Saturday, January 7, 2023, but this is the recorded one from Sunday.

In hindsight I wonder, was that God’s voice speaking to me and others, telling each one of us something different? If we are connected to God, it could have been. I’m still trying to discern when thoughts pop into my mind: is this just a thought of mine, from God, or from God’s enemy? I’ve found when certain thoughts (thoughts that don’t contradict scripture, and ones that push me towards something “good” but not necessarily what “I feel” like doing)- these may be God’s voice. Just now as I’m writing this a specific scripture came to mind, scripture about when God was going to pass near Elijah and he looked for God, waited for God, but each moment he thought was God, it wasn’t, then God finally came as a “a whisper”- God is gentle and loving! 1 Kings 19:11-12, click here for multiple verses that show that God speaks as a whisper!

This morning, I woke up thinking about this message, the words that came to mind last Saturday came to mind again this morning. I’ve found that often when I “get a message or hear” from God, it is repeated three times: the same message, often through different people or sources, shortly thereafter. As I started to write this, I also recalled this message of “Trust and Obey” had made an impact on me before, I wrote about it as my faith journey started (February 20, 2017), here is a link to that post: Trust and Obey That was six years ago, and re-reading it I can see how much I’ve learned and changed since then, yet I still have the same struggles! I’m reminded (in thoughts) that we are not perfect and won’t be until God perfects us and changes us to the “perfect children” He intended us to be at the future return of Jesus, when He gathers his children and we are changed in an instant. 1 Corinthians 15:52, read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Until then, we will have our struggles, but throughout the struggles, I know that it is important to continue to turn to God when we don’t do what we know we should do. It’s a continual refocus, don’t let go of the relationship with God. God hears the prayers of those who love him (Proverbs 15:29) and are obedient to his commands (John 14:15). (Look at all these verses in scripture what it tells us about obeying God’s commands.)

There is much more to say beyond “Trust and Obey.” In order to trust someone, we need to know that someone and in this situation, it means knowing God, His character, what has been revealed to us through scripture about Him, what He told others. Scripture gives us ALL the guidance about important matters that we need about life FROM God, our creator! (2 Timothy 3:16) So by trusting in God, trusting in His word, we are “guided” throughout life. God promises blessings to those who trust His words and obey them (taking action, not just knowing what is recommended, but doing it). If I learned this long ago, to trust and obey, I would have avoided some situations in life that were troublesome for me. This doesn’t mean that we will have a life without trouble, trouble still comes for other reasons: when we are being tested which reveals our level of Trust in Him. What better way to know a person’s true intention than by seeing their action when we are truly tested. We can say certain things by knowing “the correct answer” but knowing and doing don’t always align. That’s when we need to ask God for the Holy Spirit (who is given to those who obey – Acts 5:32) to guide and give us self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) – The Advocate (look at each of those verses about the Advocate, I also see something important here: the Advocate is God, is Jesus, is the Holy Spirit!)

Getting back to the advice I would give my younger self:

  1. Seek God First in everything you do.
  2. Know that you are loved, you were created out of love by God – because He wants you in His future Kingdom
  3. Know that you are unique, valuable, created by God and have a specific purpose that only you are made to do
  4. Know that your parents on earth are “bonus” parents because God is your true father and the One who gave/gives you life
  5. Listen for God’s guidance, if you obey His commands, He will give His Spirit to guide you in life and keep you on the “narrow road” that leads to God’s kingdom
  6. Know the true definition of “LOVE”: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails….(1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)
  7. Know how to see if someone has God’s spirit, and connect/stay connected with those people in your life, if they show the following in their actions: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control… (Read Galatians 5:13-26
  8. Love God, Love Others.
  9. Trust God in all circumstances
  10. Pray daily: Thank God for the good in life, ask for daily guidance and protection
  11. Read scripture daily to continue to learn, hear from God, and stay connected to His Spirit
  12. Keep your focus on obeying God’s commands because God gives His Spirit to those who choose to obey Him, by obedience your life will be blessed by God, this is how you show God that you love Him- by obeying His commands, it also shows respect, honor and gratitude to God for all that He has given and promises His children in the future (immortality in God’s kingdom), we need God’s Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God- Jesus said (as recorded in John, Chapter 3):

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

John 3:5

Prayer for (Spiritual/Physical) Healing

Dear God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit),

Thank you for always being present and available because we need You more than we acknowledge sometimes. You are our Creator, You give life, You gave us our first breath of life, sustain us currently and You also promise an eternal, immortal life in Your presence in the future, provided we hear and believe what Jesus taught when he was present here on earth and turn away from what separates us from You, which is sin. We acknowledge Your Sovereignty in all things; You are our only source to rescue and deliver us from evil. We rely on You 100% for everything in our lives. We are nothing without You, but You make the impossible, possible.

In this moment, please bring to mind the things in my life that separate me from You, please make me aware of them.

(pause here, let the Holy Spirit nudge our thoughts)

Please forgive me for what I have done to separate myself from You. I need You and do not want to be separated any longer. I ask for Your forgiveness. You know I struggle with what separates me from You and I ask for the Holy Spirit to work with me, to give me patience, self-control, and fill me with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness.

I ask for Your mercy and forgiveness and will do my best to show my appreciation and love to You through obedience to Your commands. Please provide me with the help of the Holy Spirit to fulfill this desire. I know that Your forgiveness is conditional upon how I forgive others. I want to forgive others and let the hurt go, please help me with that too. I realize we all are sinners and need forgiveness and if I need forgiveness, others need forgiveness too, and I will forgive them.

I ask for Your (spiritual/physical) healing, specifically:_______________________________________________________(pause here) in the name of Jesus. I ask for this healing to bring all glory, praise, honor and recognition to You. I realize that Your answering of this prayer must be in alignment with Your will and I accept Your will with the understanding that You work all things for the good of those who love You and keep Your commands.

Thank you for spending this time with me today. Amen.

Surrender Prayer

In hindsight everything is clearer. Thankfully, God accepts us despite our fumbling process along the way. So there isn’t a specific prayer with all the right words, other than the one Jesus taught:

“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:9-13

From this prayer we learn that God is in heaven and His name is to be respected. God’s kingdom will come to us (when Jesus returns) and His will happens whether we submit or resist- God’s will happens (and the consequence will be a result of our choice.) God gives us everything we need (our daily bread/scripture) and He forgives our sins- as we forgive others. God can lead us away from temptation and protect us from the evil one (through the Holy Spirit) when we ask Him to do this for us.

There are so many “religions” in the world but Jesus kept the instructions for all of us pretty simple:

  1. Believe (click here for link)
  2. Repent (Luke 5:31)
  3. Be Baptized (Matthew 28:18-20)
  4. Receive the Holy Spirit (Born of the Spirit; Born Again) John 3

We can recite prayers but if the words don’t come from our heart – they are meaningless, it is better to speak our own words and heartfelt thoughts to God, submit/surrender “our own will,” accepting God’s will, because His will happens despite what we may want, ask God for guidance and ask God for the Holy Spirit to perfect us as we grow in our faith and obedience to God’s commands.